- ハーフカフェインとは思えないほどの果実感溢れる品種
スペシャリティコーヒー業界で知らない方はおられないのでは、というほど有名なカフェグランハ・ラ・エスペランサ。コロンビア中西部バジェ・デル・カウカに位置し、コロンビアにはじめてゲイシャ種を植えた生産者として知られ、毎年ハイレベルなコーヒーを生産している名門の名にふさわしい生産者グループです。はじまりは1945年、フアン・アントニオ・エレーラが奥さんと働いていたポトシ農園で、既存のティピカ種に加えイエローブルボン、レッドブルボン、カツーラの3品種の栽培をはじめたことがきっかけでカフェグランハ・ラ・エスペランサが誕生しました。その後も栽培を拡大するため、トルヒージョ地方にラ・エスペランサ農園を取得。現在はセロ アスール、ラスマルガリタス、ハワイを加えた5つの農園を管理し、ゲイシャ種、パカマラ種、ラウリーナ種など、各農園の環境にあう様々な品種を栽培しています。
生産国 / コロンビア
地域 / ヴァレ デル カウカ
農園 / エスペランサ農園
品種 / ローリナ
標高 / 1430-1760m
精製方法 / ナチュラル
テイスティングノート / 苺とキウィの飴
Café Granja La Esperanza is so famous in the specialty coffee industry that it is hard to believe that there is no one who does not know about it. Located in Valle del Cauca in midwestern Colombia, they are known as the first producer to plant the Geisha variety in Colombia, and they are a group of producers who produce high quality coffee every year. Café Granja La Esperanza was born in 1945, when Juan Antonio Herrera and his wife began growing three varieties of coffee, Yellow Bourbon, Red Bourbon, and Caturra, in addition to the existing Tipika variety at the Potosi Estate where they were working. In order to continue to expand its cultivation, the company acquired the La Esperanza plantation in the Trujillo region. Currently, the company manages five farms, including Cerro Athur, Las Margaritas, and Hawaii, and grows a variety of varieties suited to each farm’s environment, such as Geisha, Pacamara, and Laurina.
Attractive varieties
Laurina, also known as Bourbon Pointeau, is a mutant of the Bourbon variety discovered on the French island of Reunion. It is known as a natural low caffeine coffee because its caffeine content is lower than that of the regular Arabica variety.
The plant is characterized by the sharply angled seed tips (hence the name Pointeau) and the elongated leaves that resemble bay leaves (hence the name Laurina). In terms of taste, the species has gained even more attention since a barista won the 2018 WBrC with a carbonically macerated Laurina coffee from Brazil, and it is now treated as a rare variety, even rarer than Geisha.
Region_ Valle del Cauca
Farm_La Esperanza
Altitude_1430-1760 masl
Roasting_Filter Sweetness_5 Acidity_3 Flavor_5 Body_4
Tasting notes : Strawberry, Kiwi, Rosehip
La Esperanza_ 60g