- ジャスミン&オレンジ。丁寧で誠実な仕事が想像できる至高のゲイシャ
エル・ピナル農園はまた、ACOGUAの一員です。ACOGUAは、グアテマラの盲ろう者を支援する団体、Comité Prociegos y Sordos de Guatemalaを支援するコーヒー生産者の団体です。ACOGUAは、地域社会に視覚と聴覚の健康サービスを提供する保健センターを財政的に支援しています。
生産国 / グアテマラ
地域 / ハラパ、モンハス
農園 / エル ピナル農園
品種 / ゲイシャ
標高 / 1720-1800m
精製方法 / フリーウォッシュド
テイスティングノート / ジャスミン、オレンジ、キャラメル
Abel Valladares has worked in coffee for most of his life. Before purchasing El Pinal Estate 20 years ago, Abel worked as an agronomical advisor to a farm of more than 1,000 hectares. When he had the chance to purchase El Pinal Estate, Abel jumped on the opportunity to have his own farm.
Since then, Abel has devoted himself to producing top-notch coffees of unique and highly sought-after varieties, including Geisha, Pacamara and Pacas.
Abel believes that the secret to El Pinal’s success is that the whole family is involved in the estate. From harvest to quality control, the Valladares family is focused on producing high-quality microlots that continue to impress their international buyers.
El Pinal Estate is also a part of ACOGUA, an association of coffee growers that support the Comité Prociegos y Sordos de Guatemala, an organization supporting deaf and blind Guatemalans. ACOGUA financially supports a health center that offers visual and hearing health services to the local community.
Cherry is selectively handpicked and only ripe, red cherry is processed. Cherry is pulped and placed in fermentation tanks to ferment for up to 4 days. Once fermentation is complete, parchment is washed in clean water and laid on raised beds. Parchment is raked frequently to ensure even drying. It takes approximately 20 days for parchment to dry.
Region_ Monjas, Jalapa
Farm_Finca El Pinal
Altitude_1720-1800 masl
Proc._Fully Washed
Roasting_Filter Sweetness_4 Acidity_3 Flavor_5 Body_3
Tasting notes: Intense Floral, Jasmine, Caramel
Abel Valladares_100g